9 Secrets And Scandals Involving Justin Timberlake!

Justin Timberlake was squeaky clean when he bounced onto the music scene as a member of the boy band N’Sync. Even though he has been involved in his fair share of scandals over the years, he comes out of everything completely unscathed. The man is the human equivalent of Teflon – nothing sticks! We don’t have as much on Timberlake as we have on many other stars, but here it is – 9 secrets and scandals involving Justin Timberlake!

9. Nipplegate

In 2004, during the Super Bowl XXXVIII halftime show, Justin Timberlake intentionally tore away part of Janet Jackson’s costume and exposed her right breast during their performance of “Rock Your Body.” Jackson noted afterwards that her red lace bra was supposed to remain intact during the performance; however, the damage was done. While Timberlake went on to have a successful solo career, Jackson wasn’t so lucky. The fiasco resulted in a blacklisting of her music across some American radio networks and her career never recovered.

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8. “Southern Comfort” Controversy

Justin Timberlake’s restaurant Southern Comfort was slapped with a ‘B’ grade by the New York City Department of Health during a routine inspection in June 2013. The restaurant was docked 22 points for various violations. This wasn’t the first time the restaurant came under fire. In 2008, a busboy sued the pop star claiming that he wasn’t paid a legal wage and that the plaintiff and other staff members didn’t get their proper share of a gratuity charge that the restaurant collected from parties with six or more diners.

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7. Justin Timberlake Drugs

Justin Timberlake – who shot to fame with the squeaky-clean boy band N’Sync – has admitted that he has dabbled with different drugs in the past; however, in an interview with Myspace about his debut performance at SXSW Festival, he spoke about his experimentation in greater detail. “This is my first time here. I’ve been to Coachella many times, on many different, um, substances. I’ve been to Coachella many times but not remembered a lot of it, I’ll leave it at that. Like, I stood in an open field and one year I saw Nine Inch Nails and the next year I saw Weezer and I was standing in the middle of the field, you know, like tripping my mind out.”

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6. Cheating Scandal with Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan accused Justin Timberlake of cheating on Jessica Biel back in 2009 via Twitter. The two were allegedly partying at the same club in New York City and, when Lohan tried to get close, he rejected her. Later that evening, however, he was spotted cozying up to an unidentified brunette who was not his girlfriend at the time, Jessica Biel. Lohan took to Twitter and started posting cryptic messages on Twitter including, “where’s jb cheater,” which many people believe refers to Jessica Biel and “Why do people cheat?” Lohan claimed that someone had hacked into her Twitter account; however, earlier this year, Timberlake’s name was seen on the troubled starlet’s list of past lovers.

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5. Sexting Scandal with Mila Kunis

Back when Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis were co-starring in “Friends with Benefits,” everyone was wondering if these two hotties were going to hook up. In September 2011, seductive pictures of Timberlake were found on hacked cell phone that reportedly belonged to Mila Kunis. The actress allegedly stored pictures of the “SexyBack” singer laying on a bed with his shirt off and wearing a pair of women’s underwear on his head. There was also reportedly a shot of Kunis in a bathtub. Both of their reps deny an exchange like this occurred.

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4. Take Back the Night Controversy

Justin Timberlake’s song “Take Back the Night” caused a fair bit of controversy. It turns out that an anti-rape organization that goes by the same name wasn’t happy about the singer using their name without permission. The sexual lyrics were a bit of a concern for the organization because they aren’t anti-sexual violence. Timberlake apologized, claiming that he had never heard of Take Back the Night. “I wanted to take this opportunity to let all know that neither my song nor its lyrics have any association with the organization,” the Grammy-winning singer said.

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3. Cry Me a River

When Justin Timberlake released his music video for “Cry Me a River,” everyone assumed the song was about Britney Spears. According to Timberland, Timberlake wrote the song after a heated conversation with Spears; however, the single himself has never come forward and admitted it. During a Super Bowl party in 2013, Timberlake allegedly said, “Sometimes in life, you think you found the one. But then one day you find out, that she is just some bitch,” right before he began playing “Cry Me a River.” Even though he denied that his comment had anything to do with Spears, it is hard to believe him.

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2. Affair with Olivia Munn

Justin Timberlake allegedly embarked on a three-day fling with Olivia in 2010 while he was dating Jessica Biel. Munn initially rejected his advances because of his relationship with Biel; however, Timberlake reportedly won her over by telling her that it was over with his girlfriend even though he was still with her. Reports state that Munn took JT to her hotel and they began hooking up. Shortly after this story surfaced, Biel and Timerblake temporarily broke up.

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1. Offensive Wedding Video

Justin Timberlake’s pal Justin Hutchel made a controversial video for his famous friend’s wedding. In the video, which was shown at Timberlake and Biel’s wedding, Hutchel can be seen interviewing 10 random people on the street – all homeless –who send their best wishes to Timberlake and Biel. “Justin and Jessica, I haven’t seen you for a long time. I hope the wedding goes fine for you. My gift is in the mail,” says one toothless man. Hutchel apparently intended the clip to poke fun at the outrageous expensive the couple went to for their wedding; however, once it hit the Internet, people were offended.

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Cate has a B.A. and an M.A. in English Literature and has been the Managing Editor of Fame10 for more than 6 years. Despite having a love for the works of Thomas Hardy, Leo Tolstoy and Lord Byron, she also has an intense fascination with pop culture. When she isn’t writing for Fame10, she’s planning her next big adventure in Southeast Asia.