The Real Housewives of Orange County is Bravo’s longest standing show within the entire franchise. The show was the first installment within the Real Housewives series and has now been around for a whopping 12 seasons! Many of the women appear on the show alongside their husbands, so viewers feel like they get to know the starring ladies and their relationships — and there have been a lot over the past decade! We’ve selected the 12 most popular couples to appear on the show and ranked them from worst to best! Check it out:
12. Kelly and Michael Dodd
Kelly Dodd joined the RHOC in season 11 and didn’t exactly make the greatest impression on either her co-stars or many fans. One of her main storylines centered around her husband, Michael Dodd. The two have been together for over a decade as they started dating in 2004 and had a child together in 2006. According to Kelly, there were several problems in their marriage, so she filed for legal separation and even pursued a divorce. Kelly was in a relationship with another man, but when that didn’t work out so she ended up mending her relationship with Michael and the two put the divorce on the back burner. While on the show their relationship came across extremely rocky, with a lot of fighting, bickering and a clear lack of communication. We hope to see these two back on track next season!
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