Teen Mom 2 Star Chelsea Houska Reveals Pregnancy Details: 5 Fast Facts

On July 12, 2016, one of the MTV’s Teen Mom’s favorite stars, Chelsea Houska, revealed that she was pregnant with her second child, and first with fiance Cole DeBoer. Fans have watched Houska share her story on 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom 2 for about seven years and were ecstatic about the big news considering the ongoing battle she has had with her daugher Aubree’s father, Adam Lind, since even before Aubree was born. While fans couldn’t be happier for Chelsea and Cole, they also had A LOT of questions considering Chelsea always said they would wait until after they were married this October to add to their family. Luckily, Chelsea was more than happy to divulge on the surprise pregnancy news with a Twitter Q&A with fans, leaving us with these 5 interesting details!

5. Finding Out

While Cole and Chelsea both made the announcement on social media, sharing an adorable photo of Aubree holding the ultrasound, they didn’t give much more information. Luckily, Chelsea used the announcement as the first post on her new website chelseahouska.com where she revealed that she took three pregnancy tests. She posted a picture of all three with a caption, “Had to take 3 because I couldn’t believe it.” Then, on Twitter, a fan asked how she told Cole the big news and she replied, “He was with me when I took the test! So he knew right away #deboerbaby.” Chelsea’s dad, Randy, who often appears on the show also reacted to the news, telling one of his followers that he and his wife are “very happy and very excited,” and added, “Keep bringin’ em on #deboerbaby.”


4. Wedding Plans

Understandably, one of the biggest questions for most of Chelsea’s fans and followers was if the news of the baby changed the plans for Cole and Chelsea to wed this October. Many asked if the wedding was moved or postponed and she happily replied no to all of them and added, “Having the wedding as planned! I cannot wait to be married #deboerbaby” with another stating, “No way! I am even more excited to be married now #deboerbaby.” Another user asked since the wedding plans weren’t changed did it mean she had to change her wedding dress, and Chelsea replied, “Nope! Just might have to let it out a bit in the belly areas ;).” Sounds like everything is right on track for a wedding and a baby for the adorable pair!

Wedding lovaa

A photo posted by Chelsea Houska (@chelseahouska) on

3. Due Date and Names

In her first announcements, Chelsea didn’t give any due dates, and shortly after, she revealed that the baby was due in February 2017, but it didn’t take long before she confirmed it is going to be a Valentine’s Day baby due February 14, 2017. She went on to reveal that they don’t know the gender yet, but plans to find out because she “hates surprises,” and when asked if they already started thinking about names, she said, “Oh yes! We pretty much have set names already.” She also responded to followers who were curious if she or Cole were hoping one way or another for a girl or boy and said they “are fine with either,” but confirmed Aubree is hoping for a baby sister.

2. Differences

Aside from the wedding and gender questions, a few also asked Chelsea about her second pregnancy in comparison to the first and, unsurprisingly, the number one difference between this one and her first with Aubree was the support system, and the man she is sharing it with. When asked what she was most excited for during this pregnancy, she said, “To be able to experience this with an amazing supportive man #deboerbaby.” Another fan asked if she felt more “prepared and ready for this pregnancy than your last?” considering she is older and in a stable relationship, and her surprising response was, “I feel more nervous for some reason! It’s been awhile and I want to do everything perfect.”

1. Planned or Unplanned?

Many were most surprised by the news because Chelsea had stated in the most recent season of Teen Mom 2 that while she “can’t wait to have little Colies,” they wanted to wait til after the wedding. Because of this many asked if they had planned the pregnancy or not, and it seems they had started trying with the expectation it was going to take awhile, as happens with some couples for different reasons, and especially for women who had been on birth control for a long time. In a response to if it was unplanned, she said, “Not unplanned! But happened faster than we expected! Super happy! we are very lucky #deboerbaby.” To another fan who asked if they were trying or if it was a “happy surprise” she replied, “We were very lucky and happily surprised it happened so fast #deboerbaby.”

  A photo posted by Chelsea Houska (@chelseahouska) on

Telisa Carter

Telisa Carter

Telisa enjoys learning and writing about all things entertainment in the world of Hollywood. When she isn't catching up on her favorite TV shows, she likes to read, and obsess over all things football.