To say that Brooklyn Nine-Nine is a funny show is vastly understating the fact. With every cast member being absolutely hilarious on their own and with practically every line of the show being gut-bustingly funny, it’s one of the best comedies gifted to television audiences in years. Every time you think you’ve picked your favorite funny character (Boyle, Santiago, or maybe Diaz?) another one of the Nine-Nine gang (Hitchcock, Scully, even straight-faced Captain Holt) makes a joke and the top spot is up for grabs again (Terry, Jake, it’s gotta be Gina!). Although a hefty chunk of every episodes’ script could be included, here are 12 of the best quotes from Brooklyn Nine-Nine.
12. Tiny Terry Loooves His Pickles
It’s hard to imagine anyone thinking of Terry Jeffords (played by the massive Terry Crews) as tiny, but that’s how his brother-in-law Zeke sees him. Zeke, who is in real life former football player Jamal Duff, towers over everyone around him at 6’7” and 285 lbs. Zeke also likes to mock his “little” brother-in-law whenever he’s in town, grabbing a pickle jar to help his mini friend open it and quipping, “Tiny Terry loooves his pickles.” If you say it yourself, be sure to imitate Zeke’s super low voice and super mocking tone to get it just right. But remember, Terry doesn’t “even really like pickles.”