Bravo’s reality series known as the Real Housewives has now been around for over a decade. It started out with just The Real Housewives of Orange County, but became so popular that it spawned more shows focused on other big cities like New York, New Jersey, Atlanta and Beverly Hills (just to name a few), and even a few spin-offs! It’s grown into a full blown franchise with a fan base that just keeps growing. Despite its success, the show is definitely characterized as a “secret guilty pleasure” because of it is full of cat fights, drinking, drama and lavish parties. The Housewives definitely fulfill that trashy reality television we all crave and even some of Hollywood’s biggest stars indulge a little! Here’s a list of 14 celebrities who have spoken about their love for the Real Housewives reality series:
14. Christina Aguilera
The “Genie in a Bottle” singer and Voice coach has professed her love for the women on The Real Housewives of New Jersey on multiple occasions and it seems her love for the Real Housewives franchise only continues to grow as she’s now also a fan of The Real Housewives of New York! She recently tweeted: “Love @Bethenny back on #RHONY. Best season ever…the show needed you back!!! Missed you! And Dorinda is a great addition!!”