Bravo’s Real Housewives franchise has been around for a long time! The first installment aired way back in 2006 and now the franchise has grown to include many separate shows, numerous seasons and even some spin-off series. Since the show has been around for so long, there’s often a revolving door of cast members on each show who come and go each season. Similarly, there are a few Housewives who have been around since the beginning which allows viewers to get to know them and their relationships quite well! Many couples on this list have been on the show for multiple seasons while others are brand new — here’s our ranking of 15 Real Housewives couples from worst to best!
15. LuAnn de Lesseps and Tom D’Agostino Jr.
In the most recent season of The Real Housewives of New York City, LuAnn de Lesseps started dating Tom D’Agostino Jr. At first it seemed like she was trying to be coy and hide the relationship from the cameras, but that didn’t last long, soon she was telling the other Housewives she was in love and even thinking of marriage. Unfortunately, it was too good to be true. LuAnn and Tom had only be dating for a few weeks before rumors began swirling that fellow Housewives Ramona and Sonja both dated Tom and that he had a reputation of being a ‘womanizer.’ Despite all of this, LuAnn accepted his marriage proposal after only a few weeks of dating and they began planning their wedding. While on a trip to Miami with the girls to celebrate her engagement, Bethenny bombarded LuAnn with info (and proof) that Tom had been spotted making out with another woman only a few days prior. However, not even this could break them up! It’s clear this relationship moved way too fast and is already riddled with infidelity and lies. Regardless, they are still set on getting married this upcoming New Year’s Eve and only time will tell how long their relationship will last!