The Real Housewives franchise first started back in 2006 and has grown exponentially since. The women who appear on the show open their lives up to viewers — this includes showcasing their everyday family life and relationships. It’s not easy to have cameras poking around in a marriage which is why reality television is usually deemed a curse, but that’s not always the case! While a good chunk of the couples we’ve seen are no longer together, there are plenty who are! This isn’t all of them, but here’s a brief list of 15 Real Housewives couples who escaped the reality TV curse!
15. Heather Dubrow
Heather Dubrow was a main cast member on The Real Housewives of Orange Country for five seasons from 2012 to 2016. During her time on RHOC she appeared alongside her husband, Terry Dubrow, who is famous in his own right as one of the most reputable plastic surgeons in America. He even has his own show Botched on E! Even though both stars are quite immersed in the world of reality TV, they’ve managed to keep their relationship not only intact, but quite strong! No doubt there have been a few bumps along the way, but nothing has come close to tearing them apart. They’ve been married now for 18 years and share four children together!