7 Reasons Kourtney Kardashian Will Take Scott Disick Back

C) Rex Features [2005] all rights reserved

Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick broke up for the hundredth time less than a month ago, but rumors are already circulating that these two are headed for a reconciliation. That doesn’t surprise us at all. These two go on and off like a light switch. Their separations never really last that long, which is why it is so difficult for so many of us to really believe they are over when they say they are. There are so many reasons why these two just can’t quit each other, but today we’re looking at why Kourtney will obviously be taking Scott back.

7. She’s Done it Countless Times Before

Anyone who has watched “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” knows that Kourtney and Scott have broken up countless times before and, each time, they always get back together. They have been doing this for nine years. By now, it’s a well-entrenched pattern. Given that it’s a habit, why wouldn’t they just get back together again?

James Atoa/Everett Collection

6. They Have Three Children Together

Kourtney and Scott have three children together – Mason, 5, Penelope, 3, and Reign, seven months. For Kourtney, family is important. She wants to be with the father of her children and no one else, even if he constantly lets her down.

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5. She’d Rather Not Be Alone

Kourtney just doesn’t want to be alone. Even if Scott isn’t right for her, which he isn’t, she’d still rather be with him than anyone else. She seems to have a fear of being alone. The tabloids have said that she’s miserable without Scott and we believe it. She likes telling him to change and watching him make promises that he can’t keep. When he breaks his promise, she kicks him out. Then he begs her to take him back and, after a period of groveling, she takes him back. It’s their pattern.

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4. She Really Loves Him

Kourtney really does love Scott – in spite of all of his faults. It’s one of the reasons why she’s given him so many different chances and why she won’t just abandon him and move on. Because of this, we can see her offering him another chance to make things right with her, even if she really shouldn’t.

3. He Still Really Loves Her

Scott has always loved Kourtney. He wanted to marry her a few years ago, but she wasn’t interested in taking that step. We don’t think he’s really done with the relationship. He loves her too much to let her get away. Also, what other women would give him as many chances as Kourtney has?

C) Rex Features [2005] all rights reserved

2. They Have Been Spotted Hanging Out Together

Less than a week ago, Scott and Kourtney were spotted hanging out with their daughter Penelope. Sources say they looked civil and that she was obviously going out of her way to make sure that he saw the kids. This is usually how things go with these two. They break up, are spotted hanging out and it isn’t long before they are back together.

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1. He Really Needs Her

Scott has no family. Both of his parents died a year and a half ago, within a couple months of each other. The Kardashians are his only real family left. He knows this and we don’t think he really wants to lose it forever. He’ll be begging Kourtney to take him back in no time and she’ll eventually decide to let him back in.

Photo by Broadimage/REX



Cate has a B.A. and an M.A. in English Literature and has been the Managing Editor of Fame10 for more than 6 years. Despite having a love for the works of Thomas Hardy, Leo Tolstoy and Lord Byron, she also has an intense fascination with pop culture. When she isn’t writing for Fame10, she’s planning her next big adventure in Southeast Asia.