17 Celebs Who Looked Better Before Plastic Surgery

Many celebrities think that getting some work done on their faces will make them more attractive; however, they couldn’t be more wrong. Some plastic surgeons seem to have no idea what they are doing. Instead of giving some celebs a natural look, they end up making them look more like caricatures of their former selves. The worst part about the whole situation? There’s no going back once the changes are made. These celebrities have to deal with the fact that their faces look ridiculous and that they don’t really have any control over it. Here are 17 celebs who looked better before plastic surgery!

15. Pamela Anderson

Pamela Anderson has been getting work done for a large part of her career. It all started in the ‘90s with her boobs. Later on in her career, it looks like she started using Botox, fillers and lip injections. For years now, she has looked more like a caricature of a woman than as an actual woman. There isn’t much that is natural about the former Playboy model and she’s been plastic so long that it is hard to remember what she looked like before all of the work.

After looking at pictures of a young Pamela Anderson, we can say with absolute certainty that she looked much better before. She had such a pretty, natural face and a lovely physique – she really didn’t need to change a thing. Changing her breasts was one of the worst things that she has had done because it really compromised her image, damaging it irreparably.

Randy Bauer / Rex Features /s_bukley / Shutterstock.com

14. Meg Ryan

For a good chunk of her career, Meg Ryan was gorgeous. She just had such a lovely face. Over the last decade though, she seems to have tried to preserve what was left of her youthful appearance with lip implants, fillers and Botox injections. It has not worked. In fact, it looks as though it has had the opposite effect. She now looks a lot older. We’re not sure what possessed her to do this or who was actually performing the plastic surgery on her face. Whoever did it did a budget job.

We still can’t get over how pretty Ryan was earlier on in her career. She seemed to have it all – good looks and a prosperous career. Now, she is almost unrecognizable and her career is more or less nonexistent. She really needs to lay off the plastic surgery – it’s not helping at all.

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13. Priscilla Presley

Priscilla was a truly stunning woman for many years, but it seems she is just one of many women in the spotlight who became too scared to age naturally. In the mid to late 2000’s fans began to notice that Presley, the former wife of Elvis Presley, looked absolutely nothing like she used to and it was a major shame. Her face shape changed and her skin looked both puffy and waxy, and many couldn’t believe that she would pay to look like that when she was so beautiful before.

As it turns out, Priscilla’s obsession with plastic surgery led her to fall victim to a bogus plastic surgeon. She ended up getting silicone injections in her cheeks by a doctor who was not licensed, and her skin seemed to begin to reach to repeated and continuous laser and Botox treatments. The unlicensed cosmetic surgeon who was eventually jailed for using illegal surgery techniques and injecting illegal unapproved drugs, but Priscilla will never look the same again.

Everett Collection/Lionel Hahn/AbacaPress.com

12. Dolly Parton

Dolly Parton has always been an open book, and has always been very honest about her plastic surgery, but it seems her love for tweaking her appearance has transformed the once gorgeous star to an almost unrecognizable version of herself. Dolly has admitted to numerous cosmetic procedures including breast implants, a brow lift, a face lift, eyelid surgery, chin augmentation, and rhinoplasty (a nose job).

While many became adjusted to Parton’s extreme looks, as she has reached her ’70s all that work is starting to catch up to her but not in a good way. Looking back on old photos of Parton, it is hard to believe that the natural, bubbly beauty in the photos is the same woman today. While Parton is one of the most amazing women in Hollywood, her plastic surgery has made her one procedure away from looking like a living cartoon character.

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11. Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan may be totally unprofessional, a complete liar and an unapologetic party animal but, at one point, she had a really beautiful face. Around 2009, however, there was a sudden change and not one that can be attributed to hard living. The troubled star’s lips started to look plump and stiff; her cheeks appeared unnaturally full; and her forehead was suddenly unnaturally smooth. She obviously had work done – and it wasn’t even good work.

The whole situation is really sad. Lohan wasn’t even in her 30s and she was already messing with something that was fine. If she felt like she looked unattractive before, she looks a lot worse now. She has become a dire warning for all young starlets. If they want to just have a good time and play with their faces, they might just end up with a career like Lohan’s and a face like hers too. If that doesn’t scare these starlets straight, we don’t know what will.

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10. Heidi Montag

Heidi Montag was really attractive before she had any plastic surgery; however, she obviously didn’t believe it. “I was made fun of when I was younger, and so I had insecurities, especially after I moved to L.A. People said I had a ‘Jay Leno chin;’ they’d circle it on blogs and say nasty things. It bothered me. And when I watched myself on ‘The Hills,’ my ears would be sticking out like Dumbo! I just wanted to feel more confident and look in the mirror and be like, ‘Whoa! That’s me!’ I was an ugly duckling before,” she told People magazine immediately after she had 10 plastic surgery procedures in one day.

A few years later, Montag finally began to see what she did in a different light. According to her, given the opportunity she would do things differently. “I let myself be a victim of that and I listened to what other people said and let myself become really insecure and I had a doctor that made it sound really easy and a quick fix and it ended up being a hard road and I inflicted a lot of pain, mentally and physically, on myself. If I had to go back and do it again I definitely wouldn’t and I would not recommend that,” she told UsWeekly.

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9. Janice Dickinson

As one of the most iconic supermodels of the ’70s and ’80s and one of the women credited with paving the way for supermodels today, it is natural that after being celebrated for years because of her looks that Janice Dickinson would want to hold to them. Unfortunately, Janice Dickinson’s love for plastic surgery quickly turned disastrous because instead of keeping her looking young and beautiful, she looks aged and almost like a caricature.

She loves talking about her many, many surgeries saying, “I live for plastic surgery.” Dickinson has admitted to getting a tummy tuck, face-lift, Botox and Restylane injections over her many years under the knife. It is truly too bad that the former model chose to over-do the plastic surgeries and ruin the beauty she was coveted for.

© Sara Jaye/ABACA/David Maialetti-Pool/HuffPost

8. Tori Spelling

As the daughter of one of TV’s most notable producers in Aaron Spelling, Tori Spelling has spent her entire life in the spotlight, and it seems getting older in the public eye led her to plastic surgery like so many others, but unfortunately the results were not great. While her face of course changed as she got older, there was a drastic change post 2014 that has everyone convinced that Spelling went under the knife. She had clearly had Botox injections, but at the same time her face appeared puffy and waxy and it seems he underwent some sort of face lift as well.

Spelling admits to regretting having plastic surgery to have a breast implants because she felt it negatively affected her breast feeding, but remains adamant she has not touched her face. “I admit to having a nose job, but that’s all…. I lost my baby fat, and people said I had work done.”

Everett Collection/EPA/JIMMY MORRISON

7. Melanie Griffith

After more than three decades in the industry, it isn’t surprising that Melanie Griffith no longer looks like she did when her career first started in the ’70s, but it goes without saying that she definitely hasn’t aged naturally, and she really should have. While the actress doesn’t like to talk about plastic surgery, it is reported that she has undergone lip injections, Botox and an upper eye lift over the years, while many assumed she has had some sort of more serious surgery as well because of the change in her face shape.

Although she had argued that she didn’t go under the knife, in 2017 she finally admitted that one of her biggest regrets in life was going overboard with her plastic surgery that ended up making her look like a whole different person, and agrees that she looked better before. “No, I didn’t [realize] until people started saying, ‘Oh my god, what has she done?!’ I was so hurt,” she recalled. “I went to a different doctor, and he started dissolving all of this s–t that this other woman doctor had put in. Hopefully, I look more normal now.” “Most people are telling me I look horrible,” she said. “The tweets I get are really nasty.”

Featureflash / Shutterstock.com/Tablera/Vienna Report/ABACAPRESS.COM

6. Chrissy Teigen

Chrissy Teigen is only in her ’30s, and yet in recent years her look has changed drastically. Teigen became known for her modeling, and then of course marrying John Legend, and while everyone changes as they get older and after having children — it is clear there is more than just natural changes at play when it comes to Teigen. It is clear that she has undergone some sort of injection surgery in her face, and has definitely been using botox, but she won’t open up about her new look.

In a 2017 interview it seemed she had confirmed what many suspected: she had work done on her face. In an interview Teigen said, “Everything about me is fake except my cheeks,” she said, laughing and pointing to her forehead, nose, and lips. “Fake, fake, fake.” After her comments were reported everywhere, she then took to her Twitter to explain she was only joking and insisting the only work she had done was have her “armpit sucked out.” Regardless of not opening up about plastic surgery, her face is much too drastically different.

Gregorio T. Binuya/Everett Collection/Lionel Hahn/ABACAPRESS.COM

5. Renee Zellweger

Renee Zellweger looks like a whole new woman these days. She could literally change her name and start a whole new life – no one would ever recognize her! The shape of her eyes has changed and her skin looks waxy. Plastic surgeons think that she probably had an eyelift and has been getting Botox. The worst part about this entire situation is that the Oscar-winning actress claims that her looks have changed because her life has finally become more “fulfilling.”

“I’m glad folks think I look different! I’m living a different, happy, more fulfilling life, and I’m thrilled that perhaps it shows,” Zellweger told People magazine. “For a long time I wasn’t doing such a good job with that. I took on a schedule that is not realistically sustainable and didn’t allow for taking care of myself. Rather than stopping to recalibrate, I kept running until I was depleted and made bad choices about how to conceal the exhaustion. I was aware of the chaos and finally chose different things.” The only bad choice that she really made was letting a plastic surgeon completely change her face.

Featureflash / Shutterstock.com/ John Shearer/Invision/AP

4. Tara Reid

Tara Reid used to be quite attractive when she first started acting. She was slim, blonde-haired and blue eyed. She had such a fresh, girl-next-door kind of look. Unfortunately for her, she wasn’t quite happy with what she had, so she elected to get some unnecessary plastic surgery procedures, which included a boob job and liposuction. Nothing turned out quite the way she expected and, as a result, she looks more like a frankenbarbie because of the surgeries.

Over the years, Reid has said that she regrets that she went under the knife. The breast implants are way larger than what she wanted and, as a result of the lipo, her stomach is ripply and bugly. Her movie career tanked around the same time that she presented her new appearance and the only thing she has done with any regularity since is party. We definitely prefer how she looked before and we think she would agree.

Featureflash / Shutterstock.com/Tammie Arroyo/AP

3. Megan Fox

Megan Fox’s looks have changed dramatically over the years. Although she denies doing anything to alter her appearance, it seems pretty obvious that she has. She was so pretty when she was first starting out in the business. She was fresh-faced, but unique looking, with her dark hair and striking eyes; however, it looks like Fox wasn’t satisfied with what she had and wanted to make some changes.

According to one plastic surgery expert, the “Transformers” star has had Botox, eyelid surgery, a nose job, cheek fillers, laser skin resurfacing and lip injections. Considering how young she still is this is kind of excessive. One plastic surgeon, Dr. Robert Guida, believes that she has had up to $60,000 worth of work done. We think all that work has aged her. She looked much more beautiful when she wasn’t doing anything to her face. Now she looks generic, like all the other women who decided to tinker with their looks.

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2. Nikki Cox

Nikki Cox was famous for her all-American good looks, but not anymore! She has been piling on the plastic surgery like it is nobody’s business and it has totally ruined all of her natural beauty. She seems to have a permanent bout of pout trout, plumped up cheeks and a sheer and shiny forehead. One plastic surgeon doesn’t believe that she’s gone under the knife, but he thinks that she has overindulged in lip injections, Botox and fillers. We couldn’t agree more.

This is some of the worst plastic surgery that we have ever seen. Cox was actually quite attractive before all the work. She used to play the token hot chick on every show she was on, but that’s just impossible now. The only full time job she would even be eligible for would be as the poster child for plastic surgery gone wrong. She can use her face to scare other celebrities out of plastic surgery.

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1. Nicole Kidman

Nicole Kidman has been doing stuff to her face for years, although she has continually denied it. “I am completely natural. I wear sunscreen, I don’t smoke and I take care of myself, and I am proud to say that,” she told Marie Claire in 2008. It took another three years for her to finally admit that she was using Botox. She still won’t admit to anything else. “No surgery for me; I did try Botox, unfortunately, but I got out of it and now I can finally move my face again,” she told La Repubblica, an Intalian newspaper, in 2011.

The Oscar-winning actress must think people are pretty dumb if she thinks that we believe that she doesn’t use Botox or any other type of plastic surgery procedure to keep her wrinkle-free face. She’s nearing 50 and she’s never had a wrinkle. She was so pretty when she was younger she’d probably still be really pretty now if she hadn’t decided to try and freeze her face.

Featureflash / Shutterstock.com/Jaguar PS / Shutterstock.com

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