9 Healthy Celebrity Diet Tips Everyone Should Try

When it comes to weight loss, no one seems to know more than celebrities do. They know how to lose a pound when they have to and many of them turn to a healthy diet to help them do so. We’ve already looked at celebrities and their craziest weight loss techniques, so we figured now we’d look at some healthy ones. Here are 9 healthy celebrity diet tips everyone should try:

9. Meryl Streep

When she was getting in shape for her role in The Devil Wears Prada, Meryl Streep learned that cutting back on wine helped her lose weight. “Push that wine bottle away after the first glass. That’s what I did for Prada,” she said.

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8. Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez’s one rule about food is making sure not to overeat. “I eat meat, I eat carbs, I even eat McDonald’s. What I don’t do is ever overeat. I don’t eat desserts and I can limit the chocolate chip cookies to one or two,” she told Elle.

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7. Alicia Silverstone

For Alicia Silverstone, a plant-based diet is best. “The most important thing is to make the connection between wellness and food, and that’s what I think is lacking the most in our culture. If you had to pick one thing, move away from the foods that are harmful, the meat, the dairy, the sugar, the processed foods. Just gently move away from those and be adding in grains. Even if you make a pot of brown rice every three days and a pot of beans or your favorite bean chili and just a little steamed kale here and there, with those things you’re going to notice such a massive difference and it’s so easy to make those things,” she said.

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6. Jessica Alba

According to Jessica Alba, most of her family is overweight, so she made sure to learn early on how to avoid the same fate. “High blood pressure and cholesterol run in my family. From a young age, I knew that most people with problems that go along with these conditions can be fixed through diet and exercise. I altered my diet by eating lean protein, like chicken or fish, and lots of fruits and veggies. During the day I’ll have some dried fruit, or a chocolate or strawberry frozen yogurt, but I try to steer clear of desserts and bread,” she said.

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5. Bethenny Frankel

In her book Naturally Thin, Bethenny Frankel explains that portion control can help anyone become thin. “Portion control isn’t about measuring; it’s about ordering two appetizers instead of an entrée and cutting back on bread if you have pasta,” she wrote.

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4. Carrie Underwood

Carrie Underwood’s secret for a flat belly is to eliminate bread from dinner. “I’m vegan and I love bread, but recently, I started making dinner a breadless meal,” she told Shape. “I’ll have a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast, and I’ll make a sandwich on Ezekiel bread for lunch, but in the evening I’ll have protein and vegetables and no bread. When I wake up, my belly is flat!”

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3. Jennifer Garner

When Jennifer Garner lost the weight that she gained with Violet, she stuck to salads and protein, but made sure to treat herself. “I got rid of bagels and croissants. No more waffles. Salads with protein became a part of my life again. I knew I was gonna still have a little chocolate every single day. The point is, you can’t go overboard.”

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2. Kaley Cuoco

When Kaley Cuoco married Ryan Sweeting, she found her eating patterns changed – she started eating junk food before bed. To lose weight, she quit the bedtime ritual and she also cut out all the chips, soda and cereal from her diet. Her diet isn’t all doom and gloom though – she makes sure to have a cheat day and it makes all the difference. “I have to have a cheat day,” she told Shape. “I know when I’m being good all week long that come Sunday, I’m going to lie by the pool, have a drink, and eat some pizza. Then I wake up on Monday morning and I’m all ready to start the week again.”

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1. Kate Hudson

When it comes to Kate Hudson’s diet tricks, she makes sure to eat alkaline: “I live by a rulebook of eating alkaline. And then I’ll cheat when I want to, but I sort of make that my go-to unless I’m out at a great restaurant. I’m a bit of a foodie, so I can’t cut out the things that I love, so I just make sure that on a daily basis I eat very alkaline. So no meat, no dairy, no gluten, I try to stay away from sugar,” she told Harper’s Bazaar. “But then I could be at a movie theater and throw down on some popcorn and milk duds or at an Italian restaurant and I’ll have my pasta. So I try not to make it about dieting, I try just to make alkaline my normal and then have fun.”

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Cate has a B.A. and an M.A. in English Literature and has been the Managing Editor of Fame10 for more than 6 years. Despite having a love for the works of Thomas Hardy, Leo Tolstoy and Lord Byron, she also has an intense fascination with pop culture. When she isn’t writing for Fame10, she’s planning her next big adventure in Southeast Asia.