“Dawson’s Creek” was an extremely popular drama series for teens in the late 90’s early 2000’s. It debuted on January 20, 1998. It followed the lives of a group of teenagers as they fought through the trials and tribulations of high school, puberty, and college. It began a trend for successful shows that dealt with the activities of teens. It was an anchor for the WB network for six seasons. The last episode aired on May 14, 2003. Here is a look at the cast of characters and some of their career highlights following the end of Dawson’s Creek.
Katie Holmes
The lead girl in “Dawson’s Creek” was played by Holmes. She played Joey Potter, the best friend of Dawson Leery. At the end of the show, she started a career as an editor in New York City. In real life, she managed to score a few notable roles in “Batman Begins”, and “The Kennedys.” However, she is best known for her marriage and tumultuous divorce from Tom Cruise. Together they have a daughter named Suri.