General Hospital Characters Fans Hated But Grew To Love

General Hospital (GH) fans all have their favorite super couples and characters, but they also have ones they could do without. Having said that, there are plenty of characters that have evolved over the years, ones that were once hated and now loved. As such, below are 12 GH characters fans hated, yet grew to love.

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12. Julian Jerome

Once a mob boss that did nothing but bad, Julian Jerome has once again redeemed himself. He can be a bit of a roller coaster ride for fans, and Jerome hit a low point a few years back when he attacked ex-wife Alexis and tried to kill her; however, since his stint in prison, he is once again trying to do the right thing in his life for his family.
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11. Tony Jones

Digging into the GH history vault comes a hugely popular character in the 1980s and early 1990s, who plummeted into bad guy territory in 1998 when he went a little crazy. The bad news was he did do some terrible things while he went insane; however, the good news is that he did get his life into order well before he passed away in 2006.
©John Paschal/JPI

10. Valentin Cassadine

Valentin is one of those complex soap opera characters. Sure, he’s done villainous things, but storylines have shed light to as why he has been such a ‘bad guy’ over the years. He still isn’t the straightest arrow in Port Charles, but fans have grown softer towards him thanks to his relationship with young daughter Charlotte and relationship with Nina Reeves.
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9. Nina Reeves

Speaking of, Nina too wasn’t the nicest of characters when she stormed into Port Chuckles in 2014. Back then, the ‘it couple’ of the moment was Silas Clay (her ex) and Sam Morgan, with Nina desperately trying to break them up. As time wore on, storylines have allowed Reeves to evolve, and she is currently one of the more popular characters on the show.
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8. Scott Baldwin

Sure, Scotty has always been a bit of slimeball, but he is a scum bag with a heart. In his younger years, he played a villain-type character, and was redeemed when he got involved with Dominque Stanton in the early 1990s. While Scott still does some underhanded things now and again, he always manages to do what’s right in the end. Add in the fact that he’s a long-term GH character, and fans simply love seeing him on screen. He adds a touch of comedic relief to the show and is always a pleasure to watch.
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7. Connie Falconeri

Connie was the alternate personality to the distinguished Kate Howard and did some pretty dastardly things when she ‘overtook’ Kate’s body. She was crass, underhanded, and always looked to destroy Kate, her reputation, and her relationship with Sonny Corinthos. But as time wore on, and the reason for Kate’s split personality came to the surface, Connie calmed down quite a bit and viewers understood why she was the way she was. In fact, many fans were quite sad when she was shot and killed off the show in 2013.

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6. Sam McCall

Sam has always been quite the fan favorite on GH, especially thanks to her super couple relationships with Drew and Jason. Yet, there was a time when many fans despised Sam, and she wasn’t the nicest of people. In fact, in and around 2007, Sam was quite jealous of Elizabeth and the bond she had formed with Jason. So much so, she lashed out on the two in various ways. Sam saw the couple’s son Jake get kidnapped and did nothing, lying about what she witnessed to police afterward. She even hired two men to scare Liz and her kiddos at a park. Fans weren’t too pleased with Sam back then, but thankfully she’s changed drastically since and is one of the show’s top heroines.
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5. Tracy Quartermaine

Tracy Quartermaine got quite the final send-off last year when actress Jane Elliot decided to leave the show. Tracy was a villainess through and through, one that placed her corporate career before her kids, was very money and power hungry, and was wildly obsessed with her dad’s company ELQ. Despite all this, something beautiful happened when she fell in love with Luke Spencer in the mid-2000s: she grew a little softer. While many fans loathed Tracy for years, many of those same people were sad to see her go in 2017.
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4. Edward Quartermaine

Did Tracy get her dastardly ways from dad Edward? She may have. The list that made Tracy so hated is the same one that can explain why Edward was such a huge GH villain for a long time. Yet, age has a way of softening up people, and as time wore on, Edward became more of comedic relief on GH than someone who was hated.
©Paul Skipper/JPI

3. Carly Corinthos

It’s hard to believe that one of the most-loved characters on GH today was once so hated; however, Carly was quite the gold-digging schemer when she first entered the show in 1996. Over the years, Carly’s character has evolved significantly, and while she still loves a good scheme or two nowadays, most times it’s for the good of her family.
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2. Lucy Coe

Speaking of gold-diggers, Lucy Coe was the pinnacle of bad girls in Port Charles during her heyday. She looked to seduce men to get her way, and she broke up marriages in the blink of an eye if it meant scoring a rich man. Lucy sure has changed drastically over the years, and now, GH fans look forward to seeing Coe locked in storylines and annually part of the Nurse’s Ball.
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1. Luke Spencer

Luke Spencer was undeniably one of the most popular and iconic GH characters of all time; however, that wasn’t always the case. Fans despised the hoodlum when he raped heroine Laura in the 1970s, but he was able to redeem himself over the years. Plus, the super couple pairing of Luke and Laura helped tremendously with this.
© Howard Wise/

Dorathy Gass

Dorathy Gass

Dorathy Gass is an avid fan of daytime drama and has been watching Days of Our Lives, General Hospital, and Young and the Restless for over two decades now. As a full-time freelance writer, she gets to combine her love of soap operas and writing through her Fame 10 articles. Also a mother of two busy girls and a mommy blogger, she's been published multiple times over in Huffington Post Parents and Scary Mommy.