Bravo’s reality franchise known as Real Housewives has been around for quite some time with the first season dating back as early as 2006. During this long span of time we’ve seen a lot of drama going down on and off screen, especially since the franchise has grown enormously and now includes shows that over multiple different cities. Some of these housewives have turned into full blown reality stars reaching celebrity status! With such a wide arraignment of women and a revolving door of new cast members, drama on the show can get pretty wild and often spills off screen into their daily lives. For some the drama has turned to scandal and caused the demise of friendships, marriage, lead to estranged children and some stars have even faced criminal charges. Here are the 11 biggest scandals in Real Housewives history:
11. Ramona and Mario’s Cheating Scandal
Last season on The Real Housewives of New York City Ramona Singer finally opened up about her divorce and the cheating rumors involving her husband, Mario Singer. She revealed that she initially filed for divorce back in January 2014, but didn’t fully execute it until August 2014. She confirmed rumors that her husband was having an affair with a woman named Kasey Dexter and said she didn’t follow through with the divorce initially or confirm the rumors because the two decided to work on their marriage. However, she later walked in on him with his mistress at their home in the Hampton’s which was the last straw leading to the demise of their marriage later that summer. When she opened up during a reunion taping she said, “I was traumatized and on a lot of medication to deal with his infidelity.” She released all the nitty gritty details in her tell-all book called Life on the Ramona Coaster.
Rob Rich/Everett Collection