Bravo’s reality franchise known as the Real Housewives has been around for over a decade! It’s grown considerably since then from one single show to multiple and even a few spin-off series. The show is notorious for having a high turn over rate with sometimes multiple cast members coming and going each season, but there have also been a handful of women who’ve managed to hold their spots on the show year after year. Since they’ve been on the show so long, viewers are able to get to know these particular women and their families quite well, especially their husbands! In some cases the husbands are almost just as involved in the show as their wives! In honor of the hubbies who are so often overlooked, here’s a list of the 8 best Real Housewives husbands:
8. Ken Todd
Ken is often looked at as another one of the ladies on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills because he tends to gossip just as much as they do! Despite the fact that he can get a little too involved in the women’s drama and has even participated in one or two spats, there’s no denying he’s a good husband to Lisa Vanderpump. Remember when LVP was confronted about tabloid drama while on vacation with the ladies and her and Ken fled in the middle of the night? Many of the Housewives husbands tend to take a back seat when the wives are going at it, but not Ken! He’s always there to defend her even if she’s in the wrong (which is never, according to them) and he clearly has a lot of respect for her not only as a wife, but also a business partner! Not many couples couples could survive working together, being on a reality show and living in Beverly Hills! Ken and Lisa got married after only six weeks of dating, but you’d never know it because their marriage is rock solid. This British duo shares the same values, morals and good sense of humor — they are all around one of the best power couples in Real Housewives history!