Bold And The Beautiful: Unanswered Questions Every Fan Wants To Know

There’s nothing more satisfying for a soap fan than watching a plotline come to a satisfying end, with an emotional or shocking reveal that solves everything. On the flip side, there’s nothing more frustrating than seeing a storyline end and with unanswered questions. The Bold and The Beautiful (B&B) has had many gratifying reveals but has also left many unanswered questions in viewers minds during its 35-year history. Below are the B&B’s unanswered questions every fan wants to know.

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12. Is Quinn A Murderer?

When Ricardo Montemayor came on the scene in 2013, he was the owner of a rare blue diamond that Forrester Creations borrowed for the opening of a boutique in L.A. Wyatt then gave it to Hope at a press conference, because Ricardo had mysteriously passed away and left the diamond to him. Ricardo had also left a video that contained hints he may have been murdered by Wyatt’s mother Quinn. When Deacon Sharpe found said video, he confronted Quinn with it, and she pulled a gun on him. This led viewers to believe she was either protecting herself or protecting her son. But instead of it leading to a B&B murder mystery, it led nowhere and left viewers with an unanswered question – who killed Ricardo Montemayor?
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11. Is Wyatt Really A Spencer?

Anyone who’s been watching B&B for more than a week knows Quinn would stop at nothing to get what she wants, and even more so when it comes to her son Wyatt. When Hope noticed Wyatt had the same sword necklace as Dollar Bill Spencer, she presumed Wyatt was Bill’s son. But was it a mistaken assumption? Quinn subsequently proclaimed that Bill was Wyatt’s father. But as far as viewers know, no paternity test was ever conducted. And when Wyatt’s high school sweetheart Flo Fulton’s search for her bio-dad almost led to Bill, some viewers thought it would be revealed that Wyatt isn’t really Bill’s son. But it didn’t and alas, this remains an unanswered question.
© Howard Wise/

10. Who’s The Mommy?

Dollar Bill swaggered into L.A. in 2009 with a cigar in one hand and a glass of scotch in the other. At the time, he was in town to force a hostile takeover of Forrester Creations, on behalf of his recently deceased father, Bill Spencer Senior. His father had been in love with Stephanie Forrester for years and he hated seeing Eric Forrester humiliate her time and time again. But who was Bill Jr.’s mother? Bill Sr. was married to Marion Spencer, who has been mentioned as Bill’s sister Karen’s mother – but is she Bill’s mother as well? For years, Bill Sr. also had a relationship with Margo, who was in love with him. They married but it didn’t work out and Margo left town. But was she expecting with Bill when she left? Or did she give birth to Bill Jr. years earlier? These remain unanswered questions.
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9. Who’s The Daddy?

When Caroline Spencer II arrived on our screens in 2012, she revealed the fact that she was brought up by two moms, Karen and Danielle. But who was her daddy? In the 1990s, Karen dated both Ridge and Thorne Forrester, but the most likely suspect is Connor Davis. He was Brooke Logan’s attorney and Karen and Connor did sleep together. She told him she was expecting, and almost married him but then she said she’d lied about it. What makes more sense is that she wasn’t lying and gave birth (offscreen) to Caroline nine months later, but this was never confirmed. And now that B&B has killed Caroline off, viewers may never get the answer to this question.
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8. Where Is Jack Marone?

Brooke unknowingly donated her eggs to Nick and Taylor, who were hoping to conceive a baby through a donor match. Only recently married, Taylor hoped to have a child with Nick but found out she was unable to conceive. She gave birth to Jack, but once she found out his biological mother was her nemesis Brooke, it was impossible for her to bond with the child. Who could blame her?! So, she gave him to Brooke who in turn, gave him to Nick. When Nick left town in 2012, he took Jack with him. But wouldn’t Brooke want to see her son again? Where is Jack Marone?
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7. Where Is Little D?

Speaking of which, where is Little D, also known as Eric? He was Deacon Sharpe’s son who Amber Moore raised as her own. Little D was also an integral part of several storylines in the early 2000s. Rick and Amber fought Deacon for him. Macy and Deacon fought Amber for him. Little D disappeared for awhile but then turned up on the Young and The Restless as a pre-teen looking for Amber. But when Amber returned to L.A., she said he was at boarding school. So where is he now? It’s another unanswered question fans would like the answer to.

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6. Steffy’s Motorcycle Mama?

Years before Steffy gave birth to Liam’s daughter Kelly, she lost a baby when she hopped on a motorcycle to avoid a traffic jam. But some viewers have wondered if her baby might have survived if Hope hadn’t pushed Steffy into a desk at Forrester just days before her accident. Was Steffy’s baby already in crisis by the time her motorcycle skidded on the road? It’s a question that viewers will likely never have an answer to. 
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5. Why Did Maya And Rick Separate?

Karla Mosley came back to the B&B canvas after her maternity leave in December 2018 and stunned her mother-in-law Brooke with the news that she and Rick were separating. Since then, we’ve seen her a handful of times – at Christmas, at baby Beth’s memorial and just after Caroline died. And there’s been no explanation as to why she and Rick, a couple who fought through many adversities, were done. Now that Mosley has confirmed that she won’t reprise the role of Maya, will fans ever get an answer to this question?
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4. Baby Beth Birthmark?

The stillborn baby Reese handed to Hope had a distinct birthmark that both Liam and Hope noticed. Did writers do this for a reason? Will Hope somehow meet the real mother of the child Reese passed off to Hope as Beth? Will the two women realize they were both on Catalina the same night and they both lost a baby with a clear birthmark? This could be the start of the baby switch reveal and could lead to the answer to this question.
© Howard Wise/

3. A Baby Lie?

In 1997, Brooke and Thorne were working hard to keep Taylor away from Ridge because they wanted them for themselves. One day, Brooke told Ridge she was expecting with his child. But then a few weeks later she suddenly came out of the bathroom crying and told Ridge she had lost their child. But had she really been expecting in the first place or had she lied to keep Ridge and Taylor apart? Viewers will likely never know for sure.
©Aaron Montgomery/JPI

2. Where For Art Thou, Clarke Garrison?

When C.J. Garrison returned to LA in 2017, viewers hoped he’d bring a clue with him about where his dear old dad Clarke Garrison had disappeared to. Clarke was a Spectra Fashions designer who had caused all kinds of trouble since B&B debuted in 1987. When last we saw him in 2009, he was designing at Jackie M but then suddenly – poof – he was gone. Where did Clarke go, and will viewers ever see him again?
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1. Who Shot Bill?

On a dark and stormy night in March 2018, someone got past Bill’s security gate, opened his front door and shot him in the back. The list of suspects was vast – it seemed like everyone in L.A. wanted him to perish. He had sex with his son Liam’s wife Steffy and then asked her to marry him. She refused. His ex-wife Katie had just received court papers informing her Bill was suing for full custody of their son. Ridge became deranged over Bill’s pursuit of Steffy and threatened to kill him. Even Pam was a suspect. Viewers know Taylor confessed to the shooting, but was she covering for someone else? Her son Thomas, perhaps? Even B&B Executive Producer Bradley Bell has hinted there is still more to this storyline than meets the eye. But will viewers ever get a definitive answer to this whodunnit? Keep watching to find out!
© Howard Wise/

Bonnie Byrne

Bonnie Byrne

Bonnie is a freelance writer who has a passion for Stephen King novels, Outlander, sci-fi movies and soap operas, especially the Bold And The Beautiful and the Young And The Restless. Her favorite pastime is getting together with a good friend and having a laugh.