Spin City was a sitcom that aired from September 17, 1996, until April 30, 2002 on ABC and starred Michael J. Fox as Mike Flaherty, the Deputy Mayor of New York. The show ran for six seasons and was initially lauded for its clever and funny writing. It’s been over 20 years since the show first premiered, so check out these 8 things most people don’t know about the series:
8. Fox’s Condition
When Fox was working on the show, only a few people knew about his battle with Parkinson’s Disease. Gary David Goldberg, a creator of the show, and Jeffrey Katzenberg, a founder of DreamWorks which produced the show, were the only people who knew. “There were a number of adjustments we needed to do to help him do his work,” Katzenberg told The New York Times. “He didn’t want people to know, he didn’t want people feeling sorry for him.”
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