Things Only Massive Bold And The Beautiful Fans Would Know

In its 32-year history, The Bold And The Beautiful (B&B) has had its share of twists and turns, whodunnits and returns from the grave. Fans will recall many common storylines and characters, but some plotlines and character arcs have been forgotten over the years by some viewers. The following are things only massive B&B fans will know.

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12. Ridge Isn’t A Forrester By Blood

While growing up, Ridge believed Eric was his father. What he didn’t know was that his mother Stephanie was hiding a huge secret from them both. Just before she married Eric, she’d had an affair with Massimo Marone, so Stephanie was never sure who Ridge’s biological father was. When Nick Marone arrived on the B&B scene in 2003, all heck broke loose when it was eventually revealed he was Ridge’s half brother and Ridge’s biological father was Massimo, not Eric.
© Howard Wise/

11. Thorne Was Married To Caroline I Before Ridge

B&B fans will remember that Caroline and Ridge were an iconic couple in the early days of the soap. But only the biggest fans know that when Caroline was engaged to Ridge, he had a one-night stand shortly before their wedding and she dumped him. She then became friends with Thorne and their friendship developed into a romance. Thorne was madly in love with Caroline, but he knew she still harbored feelings for Ridge. So, he asked Brooke, who was Ridge’s new girlfriend, to conceal a letter that stated Ridge’s love for Caroline. Thorne and Caroline were married shortly afterward.
©John Paschal/

10. Thorne Shot Ridge In The Head

Thorne and Ridge have always been at odds as brothers, but only the biggest B&B fans will know that Thorne once shot Ridge. One evening, Caroline had too much to drink and Ridge thought it would be funny to slip into her bed. She believed Ridge was her husband Thorne and the two made love. Afterward, Thorne was exasperated because Caroline didn’t want to be intimate with him. Lying in a hospital bed after an appendectomy, Thorne listened in on Eric and Stephanie as they talked about what Ridge had done. Drunk and on painkillers, Thorne took Stephanie’s gun and shot Ridge in the head. He quickly passed out and Stephanie covered up what he had done, wiping his fingerprints from the gun. She told the police she was the one who shot Ridge, as she thought he was a burglar.
© Aaron Montgomery/JPI

9. Taylor Pretended Thomas Was Thorne’s Child

When Taylor found out she was pregnant with Thomas, Ridge was married to Brooke. And only the biggest B&B fans know that, in order to save face, Taylor pretended that her unborn baby was Thorne’s child. This farce didn’t last long, however, and Ridge eventually found out Thomas was his. He broke up with Brooke and reunited with the mother of his child.
© John Paschal/JPI

8. Taylor Was Implanted With Brooke’s Egg

Shortly after Taylor and Nick were married, they hoped to have a child together but unfortunately, Taylor learned she was unable to conceive. So, they decided to use an egg donor. Coincidentally, Brooke had just had some of her eggs frozen in case she wanted to have another child one day. And in a classic soap mix-up, Brooke’s daughter Bridget implanted Taylor with one of Brooke’s eggs, instead of the donor she and Nick had chosen. Taylor gave birth to Jack nine months later. But once she found out her nemesis was his biological mother, she started drinking heavily and ended up giving the boy to Brooke.
©Aaron Montgomery/

7. Stephanie Had Amnesia And Lived On The Streets

Only the biggest B&B fans will remember that in 1991, Stephanie had a minor stroke and woke up in her Mercedes, which was parked at the side of the road in an unsavory part of Los Angeles. She had no idea who she was or how she had gotten there. “Where the hell am I?” she said to herself as she scrambled to find her purse, which wasn’t there. Two homeless people, Adam and Ruthanne, approached her and took her in. She lived on the streets for months, calling herself Liz. Eventually, Adam, who was a former English professor, saw a flyer that had been distributed by Sally and reunited Stephanie with her frantic family.

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©John Paschal/

6. Stephanie Bribed Thomas To Say He Slept With Brooke

Stephanie was desperate to see her son Ridge reunite with his ex-wife Taylor in 2011, so she bribed her grandson Thomas to lie and say he had sex with Brooke. Thomas and Brooke had survived a plane crash and while on a deserted island, the pair had eaten some psychedelic berries. Neither of them remembered much of what had happened and they were rescued shortly thereafter. Stephanie saw this as an opportunity to break up Brooke and Ridge. She told Thomas she would leave everything to him in her will if he lied and told Ridge he’d slept with Brooke on the island. In the end, Thomas couldn’t go through with it (back then he had a conscience) and he confessed his lie just before Ridge and Taylor were going to say their I Do’s. Ridge called off the wedding and rushed back to Brooke’s side.
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5. Eric Pretended To Be In Love With Sally Spectra I

B&B fans know that Stephanie had been in love with Eric her whole life. But only the biggest fans will remember how hurt Stephanie was when Eric came on to her business rival Sally Spectra. He even asked Sally to marry him. But it turned out Eric was just pretending to be in love with Sally, as a ruse to keep her from producing more stolen Forrester designs. Sally was devastated when Eric humiliated her by publicly dumping her at a fashion show. On the other hand, Stephanie gloated and smashed Sally’s fake engagement ring with a hammer right in front of her!
©Aaron Montgomery/JPI

4. Brooke Had An Affair With Bridget’s Husband

As a B&B fan, you likely know that Hope Logan’s father is Deacon Sharpe. But did you also know that at the time Hope was conceived, her sister Bridget was married to him? Brooke’s marriage to Thorne had just recently ended and she was heartbroken over it. She started drinking heavily and her daughter Bridget’s husband Deacon joined her. Before they knew it, the pair hit the sheets and were embroiled in a scandalous affair, the result of which was Hope.
©Jesse Grant/JPI

3. Brooke Had Sex With Hope’s Boyfriend Oliver

Many B&B fans know that Hope’s first serious boyfriend was Oliver. When they began dating, she told him she was a virgin and would let him know when she was ready to take the next step in their relationship. But only the biggest B&B fans will remember that in a horrific case of mistaken identity, Oliver had sex with Hope’s mother Brooke during Hope’s high school graduation masquerade party. Brooke and Hope were dressed in the same costume. Oliver thought Brooke was Hope and Brooke thought Oliver was Ridge. They tried to hide their embarrassing mistake, but Steffy was more than happy to reveal the pairing during a meeting at Forrester.
©sean smith/

2. Hope Watched Liam Marry Steffy From A Gondola

Young love – it can be thrilling, enticing and romantic. But if you’re a character on a soap opera, it can also be a miserable nightmare. Only the biggest B&B fans know that Liam and Steffy’s first wedding took place on a hilltop in Aspen right in front of Hope, who was locked in a gondola watching the entire ceremony. Steffy, who some fans view as a soap deity, took a page right out of her grandmother Stephanie’s playbook. She arranged the entire scenario (with Bill’s help), so she could have Liam for herself and break Hope’s heart at the same time.
©sean smith/

1. Taylor Has Died And Come Back To Life Twice

Many B&B fans will remember the iconic scene in which Ridge dug up Taylor’s grave and opened her coffin, only to find a wax dummy inside. He looked up, and Taylor was gazing down on him. He was ecstatic that she was alive. But only the biggest B&B fans know this wasn’t the first time Ridge had thought Taylor was dead. In 1994, Taylor was flying to a conference and the plane she was on crashed into the ocean. Ridge moved on and married Brooke, but it turned out Taylor had been rescued by a Moroccan prince and had amnesia. She eventually remembered who she was, returned to LA and reunited with Ridge.
©Aaron Montgomery/JPI

Bonnie Byrne

Bonnie Byrne

Bonnie is a freelance writer who has a passion for Stephen King novels, Outlander, sci-fi movies and soap operas, especially the Bold And The Beautiful and the Young And The Restless. Her favorite pastime is getting together with a good friend and having a laugh.